—Client / 出品方COACH —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《COACH LNY》三维动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年1月12日 —Production cycle / 制作周期3days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT COACH, as a globally renowned fashion brand, has always been known for its high quality, classic design, and innovative spirit. The core value of the brand lies in conveying elegance, confidence, and a modern lifestyle, committed to bringing consumers...
好消息好消息!!!我们又又又上岛啦!继上一次的“荒岛求生”之后安戈力的小伙伴们就对海岛风光和人文产生了极大的兴趣而这一站——UGLY的探索之路便抵达了台湾省金门县! 在忙碌的工作节奏中保持生活的仪式感是我们一直向往且努力维持的公司始终重视团队凝聚力的建设国内外游、户外团建拓展、大小活动盛会该有的一个不少这一次,趁着春光正好我们收拾行装踏上了前往金门的轮船开启了一段意想不到的旅程 接下来就请欣赏金门微老哥儿!【准备视频】前往金门的朋友们请注意咯务必提前至少半小时抵达厦门五通码头(一定要提前半小时,因为出发前二十分钟没有取票就会像我一样无法登船了!) 出发前,你得先走完这些流程取票、换台币、租借WiFi、安检、边检然后才能登船出发 这一套下来可不亚于坐飞机了所以大家一定要提早出发哦~千万不能卡点进场码头不等人的!超过时间就会把你的票放给候补选手你就只能原地等待候补晚点的船啦!(别问我是怎么知道的> 。<) 过了边检之后从登船口出来就会看见轮船已经早早地停靠在了码头等待带了单车或者大件行李的情况下工作人员会帮忙摆放在船舱或船尾 准时准点满载的轮船便启航被薄雾笼罩的海面看起来是一片白色的虚无一眼望去 视线不知聚焦何处偶尔出现一个隐约的小岛也不知上面是否有人 隔壁坐的大叔看起来像是金门岛民他们或许也是刚从厦门游玩回家的吧(哦对了,我说的大叔不是上图戴墨镜这位哈~这是我们boss哥)大海的辽阔让航行速度看起来并不怎地快反而有种慢时光里晃悠晃悠的感觉 不一会儿 轮船就驶离码头好远了完全进入大海后仿佛来到一片虚无的空间周围静谧无物乘客间偶尔的交谈声和船身似有似无的轻微摇晃没多久就让上下两个眼皮贴紧但过了一会儿又猛然惊喜一看手机才发现已然无信号想来已是快到金门码头了吧所以赶紧切换境外漫游否则一会儿就该联系不上车行来接船的金门朋友了 抵达金门水头码头时正是午间时候阳光热切地趴在了码头前的商店门口阳光落在地面屋檐打出一道明暗分界线 711和乔安牧场的logo映入眼帘不同于船上所见到的白茫茫一片现在呈现在我们眼前的是一片明晃晃的热烈这趟旅程,一定会很不错吧! 登岛第一站,那不得先填饱肚子才行!在金门,人手一辆小电驴、一顶安全帽是标配墨镜一戴,就是精神小伙儿~每人先来一套酷酷的“(假装在骑)摩托”写真 骑上我的新宠小摩托首先探访的是——良金牧场的温体牛肉 冒
—Client / 出品方腾讯地图 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《腾讯地图选址+渠道》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年12月2日 —Production cycle / 制作周期7 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Tencent Map’s channel distribution product, relying on the vibrant big data and complete technical system of the Tencent ecosystem, provides digital channel management solutions for the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. By integrating multi-dimensional information collection, cleaning, and standardized...
—Client / 客户雨果跨境—Project name & type/项目名称&类型《2025雨果之夜VCR》MG动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2024/01/20—Production cycle / 制作周期20DAY 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT The 2025 Hugo Conference is an annual grand gathering of the cross-border e-commerce industry, scheduled to be held in Shenzhen on January 15th. The theme of this conference is “Peak Dialogue in the Cross-Border Industry,” aiming to explore the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese companies going global under the new global...
—Client / 出品方阿尔卑斯 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《阿尔卑斯x蛋仔》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2025年01月03日 —Production cycle / 制作周期25 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT As a globally renowned lollipop brand, Alps is deeply loved by consumers for its rich milk flavor and diverse flavors, always conveying the concept of sharing sweetness. Egg Boy Party is a highly popular casual competitive mobile game, attracting...
—Client / 出品方快手 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《24快手财报》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年4月28日 —Production cycle / 制作周期22 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT With the end of the first quarter of 2024, Kwai, as China’s leading short video platform, released its quarterly financial report. In order to vividly and effectively show this important information to users, investors and followers, we plan to...
—Client / 出品方霸王茶姬 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《霸王茶姬》拼贴动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年6月26日 —Production cycle / 制作周期15 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT In the current fiercely competitive tea beverage market, as a dark horse brand in the new tea beverage category, CHAGEE has consistently adhered to its original mission of “Connecting the World through Oriental Tea Culture”. Through its distinctive Oriental tea...
—Client / 出品方抖音 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《抖音青少年友好建设》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年12月10日 —Production cycle / 制作周期20 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT With the popularity of smart phones among teenagers, short video apps such as Douyin are gaining more and more teenage users. 随着智能手机在青少年间的流行,抖音等短视频应用也有了越来越多青少年用户。 In order to better serve young users and build a youth friendly platform, Tiktok launched the Tiktok...
—Client / 出品方百度文库 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《百度文库世界大会》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年11月12日 —Production cycle / 制作周期12 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT As a one-stop AI content acquisition and creation platform, Baidu Wenku not only provides professional content query services, but also has strong AI creation capabilities. By integrating resources such as Learning Strong Country and Baidu Scholar, it has become...
—Client / 出品方华为 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《华为天生会画icon演绎》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年4月29日 —Production cycle / 制作周期3 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT In the wave of digital creativity, Huawei has once again launched its self-developed painting application – the Tianshenghui Painting APP – as an innovator. This application not only carries Huawei’s profound understanding of technology and art, but also marks...
—Client / 出品方COACH —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《COACH》 海报 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年7月14日 —Production cycle / 制作周期6 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT In this love filled Qixi Festival, COACH joined hands with the musical to create an audio-visual feast called “Love Season Qixi”. As a leader in the fashion industry, COACH has won the love of global consumers with its...
—Client / 出品方EMMAR —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《2025迪拜塔CNY》MG动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2025年01月20日 —Production cycle / 制作周期60 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, we plan to broadcast a unique MG animated video on the iconic building of Dubai – the Burj Khalifa, with the theme of “Golden Snake welcomes the New Year with a...