—Client / 出品方COACH —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《COACH LNY》三维动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2024年1月12日 —Production cycle / 制作周期3days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT COACH, as a globally renowned fashion brand, has always been known for its high quality, classic design, and innovative spirit. The core value of the brand lies in conveying elegance, confidence, and a modern lifestyle, committed to bringing consumers...
—Client / 出品方华为 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《华为金融》实拍结合三维动画宣传片 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2023年10月11日 —Production cycle / 制作周期39 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Huawei Finance, as an important component of Huawei Group, has been carrying the mission of promoting digital transformation in the financial industry since its inception. Relying on Huawei’s profound accumulation in communication, cloud computing, big data and other fields,...
—Client / 出品方华泰证券—Project name & type/项目名称&类型《涨乐通》三维结合MG动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2023年12月8日—Production cycle / 制作周期38 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Shangle Tong is a financial and wealth management application developed by Shanghai Tongqian Investment Co., Ltd. It provides real-time A-share live streaming and financial news, global stock index and stock market information, allowing users to strategize in the stock market. Animation is used...
—Client / 出品方字节跳动—Project name & type/项目名称&类型《抖音读书日》三维MG动画宣传片—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2023年6月10日—Production cycle / 制作周期20 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT With the advent of the digital age, people’s reading methods and Xi habits have also changed dramatically. As an emerging social media platform, Douyin is attracting more and more young users with its short video format and convenient sharing function. On this platform,...
—Client / 出品方腾讯视频 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型《腾讯无障碍视频》三渲二动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2023年06月29日 —Production cycle / 制作周期7 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Tencent Accessibility refers to Tencent providing accessible services and products to people with disabilities to help them better use Tencent’s various online platforms and products. 腾讯无障碍是指腾讯公司为残障人士提供无障碍服务和产品,以帮助他们更好地使用腾讯的各种在线平台和产品。 2. STORYBOARD The goal of accessibility design is to make these products and...
—Client / 出品方安戈力 —Project name & type/项目名称&类型MG动画/逐帧动画/三维动画 —Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力 —Production Date/产出时间2022年1月1日-2022年12月31日 —Production cycle / 制作周期365 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT It’s just a turnaround, 2022 has quietly left, and too many memorable things have happened this year. We have produced a lot of works and gained a lot from them, which are testimonies of our journey and the motivation...
—Client / 出品方饿了么—Project name & type/项目名称&类型饿了么实拍结合三维宣传片—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月6日—Production cycle / 制作周期23 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT As the digital leader in China’s catering industry, hungry adheres to the belief of passion, perfection and innovation. This time, produced by angoli, “hungry” cooperated with Wang Yibo – “what you love comes to what you love” ice Pet Festival activity. See how...
—Client / 出品方乔丹体育—Project name & type/项目名称&类型飞影PB数字藏品—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间202年6月21日—Production cycle / 制作周期10 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Digital Collection refers to the use of blockchain technology to generate a unique digital certificate corresponding to specific works of art, so as to achieve a true and credible digital distribution, purchase, collection and use. 数字藏品是指使用区块链技术,对应特定的作品、艺术品生成的唯一数字凭证,实现真实可信的数字化发行、购买、收藏和使用。Starting from the different professional needs of...
1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Durex, a world-renowned gender health brand, was born in 1929, and its name comes from a combination of three English words: Durability, Reliability, Excellence. Durex product line covers many fields from condoms, lubricants, sex products, etc. 全球知名的两性健康品牌杜蕾斯(Durex)诞生于1929年,其名称源自三个英文单词的组合:耐久(Durability)、可靠(Reliability)、优良(Excellence)。杜蕾斯产品线覆盖了从避孕套、润滑液、性用品等诸多领域。 2. STORYBOARD Durex, the global leader in beautiful intimacy. Since its birth, it has always used its...
—Client / 客户 籽粒文化传播有限公司—Project name & type/项目名称&类型嘲风逐帧动画项目制作—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年11月3日—Production cycle / 制作周期 35天 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT The world’s leading ski brand, ATOMIC from Austria, is famous for manufacturing the world’s most advanced ski equipment. Among them, the double board series are mid-to-high-end products in competitive competitions. 世界领先的滑雪品牌,来自奥地利的ATOMIC(阿托米克),因制造全球最先进的滑雪装备而闻名遐迩。其中双板系列是竞技比赛中的中高端产品。 On November 26th of this year, ATOMIC started the pre-sale event...
—Client / 客户GUANCHE—Project name & type/项目名称&类型等离激元人工光合三维动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月28日—Production cycle / 制作周期50 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Isoplasmic artificial photosynthesis technology has a remarkable effect of “killing three birds with one stone”, which can not only solve the energy security problem in China, but also help to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization, and also bring huge green economic growth....
分镜脚本模板链接 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ebiPJrAg52c_Bg6z_GnYIg 提取码:29wo 是这样子的,我们公司每个月有十几条片子,每条片子需要编剧、场景、后期要制作。然后什么风格都有,安戈力原本36人团队时常消化不过来,我们需要更大外援团队来服务客户的量和品质保证,公司现在有18个外协,包含插画、后期、编剧。他们多数是自由职业,在家里或其他任意地点, 我们每个月都会给她稳定的一些单子制作,根据个人情况,能做多少量是多少量。然后每个月都可以赚个几千块钱。如果说你看有没有机会,也做我们公司的外协。根据你能擅长的风格来去制作。然后价格费用的话,可以根据实际情况, ● 插画:200-500元一张左右, ● 后期动画制:作每分钟1500-7000元左右, ● 创意编剧:每篇300-1200元左右。 每个月按照发放薪资形式,固定15号结算之前所做的项目款项。 我们这边长期稳定,单价不会特别高,想要与我们合作,请联系人事微信ugly8090,备注来意和职业。 加入外协群后请准备好个人优秀作品发送到群内 图像 项目名称:《开域新零售》 合作内容:MG动画 合作时间:2019 时长:3:32 品牌背景:开域集团于2018年1月,由行业精英联合知名投资机构KKR联合发起,汇聚了来自包括BAT等互联网企业、4A广告公司、企业解决方案提供商、垂直行业专家等不同领域的专业人才,致力于以领先的数字技术帮助客户达成业务增长。业内领先的开域一站式数字营销平台,已经为近千家知名企业客户提供数字营销解决方案。 品牌价值:开域将数据科技融入到零售行业的运营中,改变传统的运营方式,创造新零售解决方案。安戈力用MG动画展现了开域如何用数字营销和全渠道运营能力驱动企业的用户和销售增长,且看零售行业将会在开域的带领下带来什么样的改变。 因为我们坚信 独到的眼光会产生更优秀的作品 而这一次 面对数字技术行业的开域 我们安戈力又会带来怎样的作品呢? 作为全域营销平台 开域为企业提供整合数字营销全域解决方案 如今零售行业面临一个问题 ——线下门店经营缺乏有效的数据支撑 如今消费者行为发生转变 消费渠道逐渐多元化 使得这一问题更加严峻 开域的Retail X系统 针对这一问题 帮助门店建立有效的数据监控与分析体系 准确获取客户的行为数据 在片子中 我