

—Client / 客户易壹影视—Project name & type/项目名称&类型《北汽动画》—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年9月24日—Production cycle / 制作周期10 days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Inheriting the design language of Beijing U5 PLUS, Beijing U5 PLUS has made great efforts in the details of the front face. The matrix ornament inside the large intake grille enhances the visual effect of the front face. The boomerang-style daytime running...


—Client / 客户GUANCHE—Project name & type/项目名称&类型等离激元人工光合三维动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月28日—Production cycle / 制作周期50 days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Isoplasmic artificial photosynthesis technology has a remarkable effect of “killing three birds with one stone”, which can not only solve the energy security problem in China, but also help to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization, and also bring huge green economic growth....


—Client / 客户泡泡玛特—Project name & type/项目名称&类型泡泡玛特实拍结合动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月10日—Production cycle / 制作周期10 days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT The interesting part of the blind box should be unknown, as well as the sense of accomplishment of the complete series! So the interesting thing about Bubble Mart is that each figure has been carefully designed, and the characters are full and...


​ —Client / 客户上海胜加广告公司—Project name & type/项目名称&类型TATA木门名画线下事件—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月29日—Production cycle / 制作周期20days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Hey, why do the protagonists of these famous paintings have such painful expressions? Is it the pain of love, or the blessing of 996? Tata wooden door leads you to explore the secret behind the hero of the famous painting. 咦,这些名画的主人公,为何表情都如此痛苦。是爱情的伤痛,还是996的福报?tata木门领你探寻名画主人公背后的秘密。  2. STORYBOARD ...


​ —Client / 客户北京原声森林文化传媒有限公司—Project name & type/项目名称&类型德龙咖啡机-实拍结合动画(动画部分)—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年8月2日—Production cycle / 制作周期15 days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Delong unlocked the ideal ice coffee formula, pioneered TBO (Delong alcohol extraction ice coffee) technology, used in the world’s first D3G ice coffee all-round machine, “bottom temperature extraction, strong alcohol special adjustment” to make the ice coffee’s refreshing taste bloom ! 德龙解锁理想冰咖方程式,首创TBO(德龙醇萃冰咖)技术,用于全球首发的D3G冰咖全能机,“底温萃取,浓醇特调”让冰咖的冰爽口感绽放!...


​ —Client / 客户北京玻色量子科技有限公司—Project name & type/项目名称&类型玻色量子MG动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年7月10日—Production cycle / 制作周期18 days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT In the AI industry, if the algorithm is compared to a rocket, data is the fuel and computing power is the engine. The three jointly promote the rapid development of the AI industry… 在AI产业中,如果将算法比作火箭,则数据是燃料,算力是引擎,三者共同推进了AI产业的快速发展。目前处于风口的量子计算便是一种有前景的解决方案。  2. STORYBOARD  In this MG animation, the difficulty...


​—Client / 客户福建省广集团—Project name & type/项目名称&类型移动云拜年MG动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年2月9日—Production cycle / 制作周期10days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT China Mobile is actively building a 9 one platform to empower 5G + cloud + AI applications in our lives in thousands of industries. 中国移动积极构建9 one平台,将5G+云+AI应用赋能于我们生活中的千行百业。  Affected by the epidemic, for safety precautions, online New Year greetings with clouds have become a new...


安戈力第一期制片学员招募 说到毕业找工作,让许多人最为担心的大概就是能获得多少薪资?能不能够自给自足?在厦门这个二线的城市、一线的花销的压力下,我想工资收入是劝退了许多人的一点! 来了来了重点来了! 你想薪资过万吗?你想在厦门过上小资生活吗?你想实现购物自由吗?或者是你还在踌躇自己的择业方向跟未来发展吗?如果你有以上的思虑,那么别再犹豫了,来安戈力学习如何成为一位项目制片人吧! 针对零基础、想成为安戈力项目制片的小伙伴,我们现推出如下计划: 1、学徒招收:我们将培养制片学徒6名,由公司制片主任进行手把手教学,负责学徒期内的各类指导、疑难解惑 2、面试定员:统一通过面试筛选出6名制片学徒,面试成功后进入为期7天的制片体验周,深入了解公司项目制片的工作模式及流程 3、培养方式:培养时间分1年制、2年制与3年制,完全免费式教学,学徒期内将在主任的带领下,执行项目制片的全流程工作,配合主任共同完成项目对接,学习成长 4、毕业待遇:待学徒培养期结束,通过公司考核后,安戈力将正式签约这6名制片学徒为正式制片,签约年限分为三种选择方式: 一年制学徒在一年内为学习期,签约后的三年内保底薪资6000+;两年制学徒在两年内为学习期,签约后的三年内保底薪资8000+;三年制学徒在三年内为学习期,签约后的三年内保底薪资10000+; 其中,在具体情况中,若薪资按底薪+提成的计算方式能够超过保底薪资,则可选择按照底薪加提成的方式计算薪资,可人性化调整,选择收入高的一种计算方式。从此,与安戈力共同进步,共同攻坚克难,变大变强,实现自我超越! 5、培养内容:学习期间,每6个月为一学期,学习内容安排如下(以两年制为例): 第一学期——旁听观摩主任制片工作的全流程,从中熟悉制片工作内容,学习主任工作方式,了解影视行业基本情况; 第二学期——作为制片助理,协助处理主任的日常工作事务,从小事着手,学会处理各项目的制片工作处理,循序渐进做针对性的内容学习; 第三学期——开始接手简单小项目的制片工作,从头跟进项目,将理论初步用于实践,遇到问题并寻求恰当的解决方式; 第四学期——成为实习制片,尝试独立接手项目,从流程的第一步开始,由自己全权掌控各方面的对接;其中,3年制的最后两个学期,将作为见习制片进行为期一年的见习期。另,一年制与三年制则相应做时间的压缩与延长,可根据个人学习情况、适应能力作为判别标准。 6


1. BACKGROUND PROJECT Although there is still a certain gap between domestic and foreign animation level, the love of animation in China will not be inferior to that in foreign countries. Xiamen International Animation Festival every year is the embodiment of this enthusiasm, aiming to promote excellent animation and develop our own excellent animation IP. 尽管国内的动画水平和国外还有一定差距,但对动画的热爱,国内并不会输于国外。每年的厦门国际动漫节,正是这一热情的体现,旨在弘扬优秀动画,发展我们自己的优秀动画IP。...


 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT The story takes place in the era of human ghost symbiosis. The demons and monsters originally belonging to the Yin world are lurking in human panic, waiting for the opportunity, and the order of the Yang world is in jeopardy.Fortunately, there are a group of powers in the world who know how to…...


—Client / 客户京东物流—Project name & type/项目名称&类型京东物流爵士小哥线下宣传动画—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年6月4日—Production cycle / 制作周期7 days 1. BACKGROUND PROJECT If rock is fire, then jazz is water. It’s normal to live in a small stream. Jazz with a full sense of life and convenient express delivery also happen to coincide. In this way, the Jazz brother from JD is integrated.如果说摇滚乐是火,那么爵士乐就是水。细水长流才是生活的常态,生活感十足的爵士乐和便民的快递配送也不谋而合,就这样融合出了来自京东的爵士小哥。But please also note...


—Client / 客户蚂蚁森林—Project name & type/项目名称&类型蚂蚁森林绿色生活节—Production House / 制作方UGLY/安戈力—Production Date/产出时间2021年5月30日—Production cycle / 制作周期10days  1. BACKGROUND PROJECT This summer, UGLY met a new friend, Ant Forest, and also completed a new challenge. 这一夏,UGLY遇到了新朋友蚂蚁森林,也完成了一个新的挑战。 The annual “World Environment Day” is here! The Ant Forest Green Life Festival airborne in Prince Bay, Hangzhou. A “1 ton giant energy ball”...
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